This week the girlies slice their hair into asymmetric bobs, call the manager, and stomp their foots in the mall all to become the ultra-karen. JK we worked in customer service far too long to ever call the manager. This week we chat CUSTOMER SERVICE and more importantly the weirdos of the world who have never worked a customer service job in their life and made them into snake people. Plus all the weird bits like post pandemmy kiosk culture and if tipping has gotten out of control?
Are we just old grumpy women?
Are we in danger of becoming Karens?
Our first IRL recording!
Not invoking the evil eye/The Killer™️
Bestie/Biz balance
gaslighting ourselves for the sake of #wellness
Talking too much
Avoiding the Karen trap
Tipping selfishly
Post pandemic kiosk culture
Lounge access at the airport SECRETS!
Our long list of shitty jobs we’ve had
Thank you for listening to DO YOU EVER FEEL LIKE? 🫶
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